Monica was lucky to be born in a worthy of her beauty city

Monica was lucky to be born in a worthy of her beauty city. With her whole family she lives in a palace, which was built at the end of the 15th century. It was the heyday of Seville. During the Golden Age of Spain, Seville was one of the richest cities in Europe. Seville has always been provocatively luxurious. It’s because Seville was once the capital of the world. Or, at least one of them.

The beautiful cheerful palace of Monica’s family is always full of guests. Although the Spanish nobility is one of the most closed in Europe, nevertheless, in their closed circle they arrange amazing holidays.

Monica cannot and does not want to live anywhere except Spain. Here, both climate and culture seem perfect for her. Her worst memory is London. Monica assures that when she was there, her soul began raining and fogging. What love stories can be in London? – sincerely wondered Marquis. In Spain, she loves everything.